A.D.S. is an acronym which describes my expert way of improving your golf game in the most accurate and responsible way.
A=Assess: The goal is to make you better. This will be a true team effort between you and me. Before the lesson is given, I will obtain pertinent information: what you would like to fix, what you would like to achieve, as well as some other information that will lead to an accurate and helpful diagnosis.
D=Diagnosis: After the assessment is evaluated, you will send 2 videos of your swing (face on & down the line). Your videos will be diagnosed pinpointing the flaw, why it is happening, and how we will fix it using Onform Video's amazing video analytical tools to display and pick up even the smallest of flaws in the golf swing.
S=Solve: After the diagnosis as to the what and why of the issue, an explanation as to how we are to fix it will be given. This part of the lesson will include drills for improvement that may include everyday household items as training aids! Imagine the money you will save on those expensive training aids!!