Why Video Lessons Are More Effective Than In Person Lessons
While in-person golf lessons still have benefits, video golf lessons are more effective for most golfers because they allow for repeated analysis of your swing through video playback, enabling you to identify and correct flaws more precisely, at your own pace and convenience, and can provide access to your expert instructor regardless of location!
Detailed Swing Analysis: slow motion to pick up the smallest of flaw.
Review At You Own Pace: watch/re-watch lessons and drills to ingrain new habits
Accessibility: access to all of your lessons,drills and chat with me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!
Cost Effectiveness: average in-person lesson is $65. But only 10 min (33%) is the real lesson, the other time is spent watching you hit balls. I ONLY charge for the lesson. 33% of $65 is $21.45.
My lessons are JUST $15/lesson!
Now THAT is True VALUE!!